Flexible monitor orientation

Mounting your screens

Multiple portable monitor orientationPacked Pixels screens attach to the mounting bracket by innovative 'tabs' which allow them to be mounted in either portrait or landscape orientations, depending on the size of your laptop screen, what you're working on and of course your personal preference!

One screen or two, it's incredibly easy to change the orientation if you change your mind, they simply lift and re-hang. Check out our video to see this in action!

Presentation with your Packed Pixels screens

Presenting with dual laptop monitorsPacked Pixels can even be mounted facing away from you for the display of presentation, no more wasting time fiddling around with projectors at the beginning of every meeting!

Do Packed Pixel screens automatically orientate themselves?

No, in order to keep the solution as lightweight and easy to use as possible we made the concious decision not to include this feature. Doing so would have added weight to the screens themselves, and would have introduced a requirement to install drivers on your laptop. 

 Flexible portable laptop monitors